CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (ISSN-e 2550-6722) is a publication founded in 2016 at the Faculty of Education, Human Sciences, and Technologies of the Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo (Riobamba, Ecuador). Tentatively, with a semi-annual output, this journal expanded its frequency to four-monthly periodicity from 2018, in April, August and December. The CHAKIÑAN journal addresses topics of Social Sciences and Humanities written in Spanish, Kichwa, English and Portuguese. The aim is the free dissemination of knowledge on a planetary scale. External evaluators to the entity where the journal is edited execute the arbitration by double-blind peer review of the received articles, which must be original and unpublished. CHAKIÑAN does not charge any fee during the entire editorial process for the publication of articles, including scientific review, layout and publication, there is no fee or payment by the authors and access to its content is completely free. The economic support of the journal depends 100% on the Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Ecuador. See more..
CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (ISSN-e 2550-6722) is a publication founded in 2016 at the Faculty of Education, Human Sciences, and Technologies of the Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo (Riobamba, Ecuador). Tentatively, with a semi-annual output, this journal expanded its frequency to four-monthly periodicity from 2018, in April, August and December. The CHAKIÑAN journal addresses topics of Social Sciences and Humanities written in Spanish, Kichwa, English and Portuguese. The aim is the free dissemination of knowledge on a planetary scale. External evaluators to the entity execute the arbitration by double-blind peer review of the received articles, which must be original and unpublished. The process of receiving, publishing, and disseminating the research works is entirely free and open access