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The text proposes to analyze the irruption of Kichwa in some universities of Ecuador, through the qualitative paradigm; considering that the Kichwa language has been historically excluded from the academies under the concept of yanka shimi (language without prestige). A language underestimated for several centuries; currently, it has a place in the Political Constitution of Ecuador and in some universities of the country, either as a subject, publications in scientific journals, creation of postgraduate courses sporadically, training courses in public and private universities, publications of books and book chapters. Therefore, the operation of kichwa in university spaces does not move in a peaceful field, but in a field of constant dispute. The research method used was hermeneutic due to the multidisciplinary interpretation of primary and secondary sources. The relevant conclusions suggest: a) the emergence of kichwa in some universities of the country; b) the irruption of kichwa in academic spaces is not a peaceful field but a field of struggle; c) despite the legal and academic recognition of the language, there are still many concrete actions, for example, the creation of doctoral programs to forge rigorous and original research; d) kichwa, historically, has been wielded as a strategy of insurgency, but also of multiple dialogues.
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How to Cite
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