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The focus on gender has been considered a vital and structural element in comprehending the social constructions and categories of men and women as a starting point to advance in society with better equality and inclusion. The study was done during the second half of the Preschool Education school (3rd-4rd years) in 4 different educational centers with educators and aimed to analyze the pedagogic and discursive practices present in the infantile classroom from a gender perspective in Chile. Methodology, the qualitative, and the Exploratory design of the study was executed by not participating in observations and in-depth interviews, establishing the method as the content analysis and thematic codification, for which the Software Nvivo 12 was used in the first phase, and triangulation of methods later. The study results revealed that there are different devices of gender in the imaginary, the interaction rules, the distinctions, and the forms of gender hierarchy inside the infantile classroom. The teachers are unaware of the influences on the kids in secondary social spaces, where they interact with the childhood creating identities and social orders within the classroom.
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