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Kay taripashka llankayka karashaminmi, imallata yachaykunapi paktashkata, taripashkakunatapish Yachayruray Kawsaypurapi kimirishpa, kay Wiñaykawsay – Runakawsay Yachayta yachakukkunaman, shinallatak Runakunapak Yachayta yachana Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo (UNACH) hatun yachana wasi ukupipish. Chaymantami taripaykunaka kamukunapi kimirin shinallatak yachaytapish rikushkakunapi, chashnallatak tapushkakunawan pushakkunata, yachachikkunata, yachakukkunata kay yachayruray kawsaypura hawa. Kaykunaka paktachun mana pitapish shukman churashpa, llakichishpapish, hawalla yaykuchunkuna hatun yachana wasipipish. Imalla paktashkakunawanka yachakchayanchikmi imashina chayanapak alli tantachishka yachayman, kawsayman, runakawsayman, ashtawankarin sumak tantalla kushilla kawsayman, makitakushpa huchuyarishpa tawka runakunapak kawsayta hayñishpa, maypi kawsaytapish, imapi iñishkatapish, imashina kawsaytapish, ima yuyayta chariktapish, imashina churarishkatapish, ima shimita rimaktapish shukllapi tantachishpa. Kaypi chakrurishkakunaka mashkachun pakta sinchi yachayñanta, wiñaritapish kay yachaykunamanta, maypimi yachakukkunaka mana manchashpa rimachunkuna paypak runa kawsaymanta.
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How to Cite
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