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The aim of this paper is to carry out a comparative analysis of the characteristics of the teaching career in the public university systems of Ecuador and Argentina; the research approach is predominantly qualitative, as it is framed within the discipline of educational legislation, and methodologically assumes the comparative method, taking political and normative regulations as a basis for study. This objective is materialized: firstly, with a look at the meaning of the teaching profession (in general and in both countries) and secondly, through an approach of characteristics that intervene in the organization, structure, legal framework, regulations, and processes of the university system; allowing a descriptive analysis of the access to the career, typology, promotion, and remuneration of the teaching staff. Finally, the differences and similarities that both systems have with one another are highlighted, where the majority of coincidences facilitate the reflective construction leading to the improvement of the academic staff career systems, with a synergy of financial sustainability and the guarantee of labor rights, in pursuit of educational quality.
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