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The teaching and learning process of Mathematics is the object of multiple investigations mainly motivated by the students' difficulties in learning mathematical content. In Cuba, its contents are reordered, and its methods are improved. However, the fundamental change is that formulation, and problem-solving becomes the central axis of the work with mathematical contents and should make evident the implications of Mathematics in life. This article aims at proposing problems with applications of numerical and logarithmic functions that enhance the development of pre-university students' mathematical competence. This research is carried out with a predominantly quantitative approach. The methods used are the analysis of documents, the observation, the survey, the interview, the specialists' criteria, and the experiment, a pre-experimental design of the O1 X O2 type, and 30 students of eleventh grade. As a result, problems were obtained by the demands of the improvement of the teaching-learning process of Mathematics, which allow developing the subject of exponential and logarithmic functions with another approach, contributing to mathematical competence. Specialists satisfactorily assessed the problems, and the transformations confirmed.
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How to Cite
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