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The recent introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) tools into university education, especially ChatGPT, has raised concerns among teachers and educational managers in two major areas. One is the mishandling of these technologies by students, leading to plagiarism and academic dishonesty; the other is the depth of their learning, along with the potential replacement of teachers by AI. In this context, a qualitative investigation was carried out to analyze the use of ChatGPT in university education, formulating ethical considerations about its use. A phenomenological design was used to describe, from a hermeneutical approach, the experiences and opinions of authors regarding the use of this AI tool at the university, as well as their ethical positions. ChatGPT responses to questions about the topics studied were also analyzed. It is concluded that the use of AI technologies, particularly ChatGPT, in university education will continue to rise. Based on the potential dangers detected, a more complex conception of teaching tasks is considered necessary, requiring a creative effort still inaccessible to AI, and a reinforcement of ethical values to counter the misuse of these technologies by consumers.
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