Main Article Content
The article makes explicit a theoretical contribution to the pedagogical sciences, from the deployment of a theory-based framework in the personal growth of the educational psychologist in initial training. The theoretical contribution remarks the need to initially train a psychopedagogist who fulfills the roles of a teacher, researcher, advisor, and educational counselor. At the same time, he/she should be able to know, do, be, live and transform from the formation and development of personal and professional qualities that allow them to face the new changes, challenges, and transformations demanded by the present century. Therefore, the article's objective is to present a theory-based framework of personal growth from a socio-psycho-educational perspective that reveals the grounds of its apprehension, configuration, expression, and development. The methodology used was based on dialectical materialism and adopted a the mixed paradigm. In this sense, methods of the theoretical level (historical and logical, induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, modeling and functional, structural, systemic method) and methods of the practical level (observation, interview, and test) were used. The proposal is feasible to support practical contributions aimed at favoring personal growth in the following dimensions: social-behavioral, self-referential psychological, and professional-pedagogical during the initial training of psychopedagogists.
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How to Cite
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