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The proliferation of technology in education has led to promoting the development of digital skills in university professors; a necessary situation due to the current demands of the social environment. This paper aimed to evaluate the level of digital skills that teachers have in online university careers in the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters, and Educational Sciences, at the Technical University of Manabí (UTM). To achieve the purpose of the research, a quantitative approach with a sample of 60 teachers and 327 students was adopted. In this regard, a questionnaire of structured questions was applied to the teachers; in turn, this data was contrasted with that of the opinion of the students. The results show that teachers have an adequate level of digital skills which stand out in all the evaluated dimensions. In general, although a high percentage in the evaluation was obtained, it is superior to those found in other environments. Notwithstanding, the application of other instruments is needed to obtain greater proximity to reality; it is worth highlighting that each university has its own characteristics.
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How to Cite
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