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María Esther Mejía Lasso


The school must constitute a space for participation and integration where emotions occupy a significant place and their influence facilitates the effectiveness of any activity. However, in studying mathematics, students experience positive or negative emotions provoked by teachers and classmates. This research identified the levels of emotional intelligence that high school students have and their belief system in learning mathematics. A quantitative methodology was used, supported by descriptive field research. The sample consisted of 157 First-Year Unified General Baccalaureate BGU students from the Santo Tomás Apóstol Educational Unit. A considerable percentage of students showed weaknesses in terms of their perceived emotional intelligence; consequently, insufficient mastery of their emotional skills, so that they must improve their attention, clarity, and emotional repair. Likewise, in relation to the belief system, a change in teaching actions is considered urgent so as to encourage students to like mathematics through new methodologies that address the emotional, social, and cognitive components of their daily work.



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How to Cite
Mejía Lasso, M. E. (2022). EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE BELIEF SYSTEM IN THE LEARNING OF MATHEMATICS. CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 18, 159-173. https://doi.org/10.37135/chk.002.18.11
Conference Proceedings Volume

How to Cite

Mejía Lasso, M. E. (2022). EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND THE BELIEF SYSTEM IN THE LEARNING OF MATHEMATICS. CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 18, 159-173. https://doi.org/10.37135/chk.002.18.11



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