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Currently, senior trainee teachers for the secondary school in Mexico City, carry out their practicum facing real work situations where reflective teaching becomes one of their fundamental pillars. In this context, this paper aims to analyze problematic situations, the activities that are put in place to solve them, and the reflections which are derived from such experiences. The research that gave rise to this manuscript takes into account the proposal of the biographical-narrative method. In other words, it adopts as an instrument for gathering information the narratives documented by four trainee teachers in their respective reception documents. In this collected evidence, they report their conflicts and reflections on the experiences acquired during their interaction in the classroom of a secondary school. These insights were portrayed in a case study, with four units of analysis. The results set out reflective processes that range from support calls that point towards the constitution of work teams to focus on collaborative tasks, to daily realities and tensions that are unleashed between the actors of the teaching-learning process.
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How to Cite
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