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This study offers the testimonies of Guadalupe, a former high school student in the State of Mexico who became pregnant at the age of 14. Its purpose is to analyze the contextual factors that influence her pregnancy, the decisions made by the authorities and parents, the consequences for the pregnant girl's life, and the new conceptions she has about school. The research was based on a life story based on the evocation of situations of an episode of the socio-historical reality. The interview revealed multiple situations. Guadalupe first incorporated the cultural dispositions that validate the uses and customs of the municipality where her parents come from. From this point of view, the cultural differentiation between men and women is established, where the latter are inferior. It was not even strange that the adolescent girl directed her attitudes towards patriarchal imperatives when some of the factors that conditioned her pregnancy were identified, such as the precarious conditions of her home, the misogynistic attitudes of the men in her family, and her partner's negligence in the use of contraceptive methods. At the same time, the consequences of pregnancy are connected to dropping out of school and physical and psychological violence, among others. Their conception of school takes on a new order because of the situation.
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