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Gloria Isabel Tapia Ramos
Héctor Raúl Santa María Relaiza


Formative evaluation has become a crucial aspect at the educational level worldwide. The situation in Latin America and other countries shows the deficiencies in this area of teaching practice, as well as in its correct implementation to support the strategies employed. Consequently, it became necessary to conduct a literature review with the aim of identifying trends in the application of formative evaluation in public institutions. For this purpose, a systematic review supported by the PRISMA methodology was carried out, which yielded 24 documents related to the topic, located in the Scopus database published between 2019 and 2023 and that met the established inclusion criteria. The results showed the importance of formative assessment practices for students. The review showed, in all the documents, the significant role that formative assessment is currently playing in Latin America and the world in the different educational systems; however, there is still difficulty and resistance in its implementation due to the lack of knowledge and the traditional learning models used.


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How to Cite
Tapia Ramos, G. I., & Santa María Relaiza, . H. R. . (2024). FORMATIVE EVALUATION PRACTICES IN EDUCATION: TRENDS IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE WORLD. CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities.
Conference Proceedings Volume
Author Biographies

Gloria Isabel Tapia Ramos, Universidad Cesar Vallejo

Licenciada en educación Primaria y  Magister en Psicología educativa

Héctor Raúl Santa María Relaiza, Universidad César Vallejo

Doctor en Administración de la educación, Magister en Docencia e Investigación universitaria, Magister en Docencia y Gestión Educativa, Licenciado en Educación

How to Cite

Tapia Ramos, G. I., & Santa María Relaiza, . H. R. . (2024). FORMATIVE EVALUATION PRACTICES IN EDUCATION: TRENDS IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE WORLD. CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities.



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