Contenido principal del artículo
The detection of insufficiencies in the teaching-learning process of Consecutive Interpretation in the English Language Major in the University of Holguin served as the starting point of a qualitative study to improve said process. This article presents the analytical program proposed by the authors for this subject as solution to the problematic situation, and the process followed to conceive it, which are the main results of the research. Its objective is to design an analytical program coherent with the skills and characteristics of the interpretation modality in question. This will serve as foundation for the rest of the modalities it contributes to and thus highlights the relevance of an upgraded preparation. For its elaboration, the authors followed Stringer’s Model of Action Research (2007): observed lessons and exams and interviewed a convenience sample of 10 students and five faculty members as empirical methods. The theoretical methods applied were analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, transit from the abstract to the concrete. They allowed the critical appraisal of the collected data and the needed generalizations to arrive at the assessments provided. The proposed analytical program is coherent and updated in terms of aims, contents and pedagogy.
Detalles del artículo

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