Main Article Content
The objective of this article is to explore the characteristics that academic and reproductive work acquired during the mandatory social isolation imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, within the context of a public university in Argentina. The research utilized a quantitative approach with a non-experimental analytical methodological design, based on fieldwork and non-probability convenience sampling. This involved conducting a survey organized into three sections: personal information, academic work-reproductive work, and the impact of strict isolation on daily life organization. A total of 119 surveys were administered to faculty researchers in July 2020, amidst the pandemic, containing twenty-nine closed-ended questions and one open-ended question. The results of the study revealed that isolation and remote work led to a reconfiguration of daily life and a deepening of persistent inequalities. Isolation brought about a restructuring of personal, family, and work-related dimensions, increasing the time dedicated to reproductive and teaching work. Simultaneously, anxiety, uncertainty, workload, and task overlap complicated the integration of academic and reproductive work.
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How to Cite
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