Main Article Content
Intrafamily relationships include emotional, cognitive and behavioral balance, which allows human beings to develop responsibly in their family and social environment, as well as to enjoy well-being and quality of life. The objective of the research was to evaluate the relationship in the context of intrafamily relationships and mental health in adolescents of an educational unit in the Pelileo canton, Ecuador. To do this, a positivist, non-experimental research was carried out using convenience sampling, with a quantitative, correlational and cross-sectional approach. We worked with a sample of 600 male and female students between 15 and 17 years of age. For data collection, the Goldberg's Intrafamily Relations Evaluation Scale (ERI) and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) were applied, and for data processing the SPSS statistical package was used, with results of predominance in anxiety, in moderate interpersonal relationships. By means of the Kruskal Wallis test, a relationship between the study variables was identified; therefore, it is concluded that functional family relationships play a relevant role in mental health.
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How to Cite
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