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Neuroscience integrates several disciplines that analyze and explain human behavior and its implications for education, especially in the most effective learning conditions. Brain Dominance, a concept associated with Neuroscience, is conceived as the predisposition of students to use the functions of one hemisphere more than those of the other to interact with the environment, which affects their personality, skills, and learning. In this regard, the present study established the Brain Dominance profiles of high school students and their relationships in learning, with a positivist approach, based on a descriptive field research. The research subjects were 180 first year high school students of the Santo Tomás Apóstol Educational Unit of Riobamba, Ecuador. Preference in quadrants A and C, predominance of simple dominance and significant relationship of quadrant B with quadrants A and D were verified. This information will help teachers in their praxis, allowing them to rethink education and change from a uniform education to another based on their needs and particularities.
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How to Cite
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