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Formative research promotes the transmission of knowledge, the development of investigative skills and the innovation of pedagogical practice, however, there are educators who differentiate it from the pedagogical practice and the development of the investigative skills of the student which cause difficulties for their implementation. At the National University of Chimborazo, although there are general guidelines, they are not sufficiently indicative in terms of modalities, pedagogical strategies, approaches and methods related to formative research processes. From a theoretical approach, formative research is conceptualized as a pedagogical strategy of higher education, in this way, the scope, scenarios and differences compared to scientific research are determined. In this sense, the article aims to analyze the theoretical and methodological approaches for the management of formative research. The approach to the Management category is fulfilled from the Strategic Educational Management approach, considering two of its characteristics: the centrality in the pedagogical and the reconfiguration, new skills and professionalization of educational actors. The analysis applied a qualitative approach, based on a descriptive systematic review of original scientific papers published in: EBSCO, Scopus, Scielo, Latindex and Elsevier from 2002 to 2022; the keyword: formative research was considered as the inclusive indicator. The main result contains an updated synthesis of the theoretical and methodological approaches on formative research, which can guide the processes of pedagogical management within the institution.
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How to Cite
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