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This paper analyzes “Learn to be a male”, which is the title of a dramatized reading that circulated through the classrooms of the “Luis Vargas Torres” Technical University of Esmeraldas between March and September 2017. An innovative educational tool that it was held before around 200 students from the careers of Social Work, Sociology and Tourism, belonging to the Esmeraldas public university and before 40 agents of the Esmeraldas Police. This study aims to collect this educational experience focused on how, from a dramatized reading, it is possible to dialogue about masculinities to generate changes in behaviors typical of a violent masculinity. The research techniques applied were the focus group, which was carried out just after the dramatized reading in the classroom, and the participant observation. The results determined that this artistic format awakens the curiosity of the student body and invites them to reflect from the performing arts on how hegemonic cultural values limit man, imposing on him a unique way to develop his masculinity.
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How to Cite
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