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José Antonio Duchi Zaruma


The situation of the original languages in Ecuador is unfortunate, since the displacement of languages is increasingly accelerated, due to factors such as the interruption of the linguistic transfer in families, discredit and lack of areas of use of the language, the Negative attitude of both parents and young people towards the appreciation of the language, the centrality of the official language in the different spaces of society, including information technologies, which constitute globalizing agents of the dominant cultures. In the community of Kichwa language speakers, despite this is a heritage language, it can be seen that children and young people have increasingly lost their level of bilingualism and use the dominant language as their communication language, which has become their mother tongue. At the moment, at UNAE there is no institutional structure dedicated to the treatment and study of native cultures and languages that determines the unity of content, competencies, methodologies, resources and means. Considering the above, this study tried to find the methodological and curricular basis of the communicative approach for the teaching of the Kichwa language from the knowledge of the culture and it was carried out with 30 monolingual students. The methodology of this research focuses on the application and validation of the didactic sequence, based on the action of the teacher and the speaker to develop communication skills and competencies. Oral language teaching-learning took place in communicative contexts, within meaningful cultural activities for students. Communication, as a process, is an act that only acquires meaning when it is carried out, that is, when it is carried out, so that teaching a language is precisely teaching how to communicate. These didactic actions mark situations of positive change, innovating and improving teaching practice, promoting meaningful learning in students.


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How to Cite
Duchi Zaruma, J. A. (2022). DIDACTIC INNOVATION IN TEACHING, LEARNING THE KICHWA LANGUAGE FROM THE COMMUNICATIVE APPROACH. CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 17, 109-121. https://doi.org/10.37135/chk.002.17.07
Author Biography

José Antonio Duchi Zaruma, Universidad Nacional de Educación, Cañar, Ecuador

Grupo de Investigación: Interculturalización, diversidad cultural y lingüística y formación de nuevas ciudadanías, Sublínea: Enseñanza aprendizaje de las lenguas originarias, metodologías, diseños curriculares y didácticos e innovadores para L1-L2

How to Cite

Duchi Zaruma, J. A. (2022). DIDACTIC INNOVATION IN TEACHING, LEARNING THE KICHWA LANGUAGE FROM THE COMMUNICATIVE APPROACH. CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 17, 109-121. https://doi.org/10.37135/chk.002.17.07



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