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María Alejandra González Quincha
Jaime Patricio Torres Medrano


This reflection article analyzes and questions the process of colonization in children within the family. Its intentionality is to provide a framework for understanding violence over childhood as a form of reproduction of colonial subjectivity. This reflection arises after a work developed in urban-rural schools in the sector of Cayambe.  It was evidenced that the physical or symbolic violence practices continue to replicate contents of the colonial logic installed within families, expressed in the subordination of children, to consider them as subjects with no autonomy, no thoughts and bearers of a deviant nature that must be corrected. The theoretical reflection document uses hermeneutics as a method, it has as reference the works of Fanon and Memmi, in dialogue with Mendel, locating childhood as the place where the colonized subject is reproduced. This analysis, developed in the field of critical social psychology, is strengthened by the views of Michelle Foucault on the colonization and psychiatrization of childhood and Enrique Dussel in Latin American pedagogy. During the analysis, it is observed how the paternity and maternity colonized, reproduce cultural practices of upbringing that perpetuate the condition of colonized subject.


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How to Cite
González Quincha, M. A., & Torres Medrano, J. P. (2020). COLONIZATION CHILD. CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 10, 130-143.

How to Cite

González Quincha, M. A., & Torres Medrano, J. P. (2020). COLONIZATION CHILD. CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 10, 130-143.



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