Main Article Content
The significance of this study lies in addressing the need to innovate pedagogical practices in Early Childhood Education in Ecuador. This innovation is proposed through the integration of the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) educational model to enhance the holistic development of children. The objective of this review was to compile information from research studies on the implementation of the STEAM model across various educational levels, with the purpose of identifying successful processes and existing challenges in South America, particularly concerning perceptions of applied sciences. The Search, Appraisal, Synthesis, and Analysis (SALSA) method was employed. This enabled an in-depth exploration of updated literature. This study was adhered to a qualitative paradigm, which utilized techniques for document analysis and information synthesis. Research published in the WoS and Scopus databases was selected for analysis. The main result indicates that STEAM-related challenges can become opportunities. For this to happen, the State and educators must acknowledge the critical importance of continuous epistemological and scientific training.
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How to Cite
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