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New socio-economic conditions favor their production of inequalities include the religious field. The objective of the research was to describe inequalities due to racial condition within the Osha-Ifa Complex in Sagua la Grande, Villa Clara province, Cuba. A descriptive study was carried out with a mixed methodological approach between 2020 and 2023 in different spaces of worship and socialization (temple houses, residences of recognized practitioners) within the Osha-Ifa Complex in its urban area. Were participated 60 practitioners from the Osha-Ifa Complex (41% male and 19 female), including: oloshas, iyaloshas, babaloshas, omo añas, babalawos and apetebís through intentional non- probabilistic sampling with inclusion criteria. The instruments used were the semi-structured interview, the questionnaire and document analysis. It was evident that the differences in purchasing power levels and the commercialization of the religious fact between practitioners of the Rule of Osha and the Rule of Ifa, residents inside and outside of the country, which intersected by color of the skin of both practices, it generates inequalities, mostly for people of black color and, to lesser extent, half-blood people.
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How to Cite
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