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This article dives into a detailed analysis of two photographs that capture a historical milestone in Ecuador: the assassination of former president Eloy Alfaro Delgado and his followers, known as alfaristas. This work is based on the reading of the compilation Los ojos de la Historia by Georges Didi-Huberman, José Luis Barrios and Eliza Mizrahi and reflects on the use of photographs to understand historical events. The text addresses the duality of the image according to these authors, with zones of "truth" and "darkness". It explores the challenge faced by the historian when analyzing images as subjective testimonies and the importance of cross-checking them with other sources. Different approaches to the use of visual documents are discussed, from "emptying the image" by focusing only on Alfaro's death, to "hypertrophying the image" through manipulations that reinforce a specific narrative. In addition, the political use of the photographs is highlighted, especially during the centenary of Alfaro's death. The authors reflect on the need for historians to explore the potential of images as historical documents that can offer a richer understanding of the past and the importance for the consumer of the photo to inquire about the past.
The text addresses the duality of the image according to Georges Didi Huberman, with zones of "truth" and "darkness". The challenge faced by the historian when analyzing images as subjective testimonies and the importance of comparing them with other sources is explored.
Different approaches to the use of images are discussed, from "emptying the image" by focusing only on Alfaro's death, to "hypertrophying the image" through manipulations that reinforce a specific narrative. The political use of photographs stands out, especially during the centenary of Alfaro's death, by President Rafael Correa.
The authors reflect on the need for historians to take images seriously, exploring their potential as historical documents that can offer a richer understanding of the past, as well as the responsibility and importance of the photo consumer, to go beyond the image and investigate more about the past.
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How to Cite
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