Chakiñan, Social Sciences and Humanities Journal emerges as a space for debate among researchers and scientists, refereed, open access, with international scope and dependent on the Faculty of Educational Sciences, Humanities and Technologies of the National University of Chimborazo (Riobamba, Ecuador). Its subject matter covers original research related to Social Sciences and Humanities, giving continuity to the lines of research approved by UNACH for the mentioned UNESCO fields:

  • Social and Behavioral Sciences (political science, sociology, anthropology, ethnography, demography, geography, psychology, peace studies, human rights), and
  • Humanities (education, arts, fine arts, graphic and audiovisual arts, design, crafts, living and dead languages, regional studies, literature, linguistics, history, archeology, philosophy).

The main objective is to serve the national and international community with the non-profit dissemination of innovative research results of the highest quality, for which external reviewers are used for arbitration, in the form of double-blind peer review of the manuscripts received, where the reviewers do not know the identity of the authors and the authors do not know the identity of the reviewers, so that the Editor-in-Chief mediates the interactions between reviewers and authors.

Peer reviewers, also called evaluators or referees, are grouped in the INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC REVIEWERS COMMITTEE of the journal and are responsible for evaluating the quality and relevance of the manuscripts submitted. It is the body of prestigious researchers in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities, with predominantly foreign institutional affiliation, whose scientific results qualify them as experts in the thematic areas of the journal. They are professionals selected on the basis of their prestige and scientific results achieved in the area of knowledge addressed by the manuscript they are assigned to evaluate and perform their work voluntarily and free of charge, with high commitment and professionalism.

The following is a list of peer reviewers who participate in the evaluation of manuscripts submitted to the journal: 

PhD. Alfaro Echevarria Luis Alberto - Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas, Cuba
PhD. Almagro Lominchar Juan - Universidad de Almería, España
PhD. Alves Márcia Angelina - Universidad de São Paulo, Brasil 
PhD. Altmann Philipp - Universidad Central del Ecuador, Ecuador 
PhD. Andrade Mendoza Karen - Universidad Central de Ecuador, Ecuador 
PhD. Arboleda Aparicio Julio César - Red Iberoamericana de Pedagogía (REDIPE), Colombia
PhD. Arévalo Ortiz Roberto Paolo - Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi, Ecuador  
MSc. Barriga Fray Luis Fernando - Escuela Politécnica de Chimborazo, Ecuador
MSc. Bazzetti De los Santos Ernesto Piero - Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Perú
PhD. Berg Carlos Henrique - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil
PhD. Bocciolesi Enrico - Universidad de Urbino 'Carlo Bo', Italia.
PhD. Bravo Jiménez Salvador - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, España 
PhD. Capello Ernesto - Macalester College, EEUU.
PhD. Castillo Rodríguez Nellys Marisol - Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Venezuela 
PhD. Cazorla Basantes Amparo Lilian - Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Ecuador 
PhD. Colmenares Guillén Luís Enrique - Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México
PhD. Cordies Jackson Marta Emilia - Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
PhD. Córdova Hernández Lorena - Universidad Autónoma "Benito Juárez", Oaxaca, México
PhD. Cornejo Espejo Juan Rolando - Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile
PhD. Danel Paula Mara - Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
PhD. Delgado Mayoral Belkys - Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Venezuela
MSc. Del Sol Flórez Héctor Enrique - Universidad Central del Ecuador, Ecuador 
PhD. Donawa Torres Zoraima Aurelia - Instituto Universitario de Tecnología de Cabimas, Venezuela 
PhD. Duardo Monteagudo Carlos - Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas, Cuba
PhD. Espinosa Conde Ivet - Universidad de Ciego de Ávila "Máximo Gómez Báez", Cuba
PhD. Esteban Rivera Edwin Roger  - Universidad Nacional Hermilio Valdizán, Huánuco, Perú
PhD. Fernández Uriel María del Pilar - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, España
PhD. Ferriol Sánchez Fermín - Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana, México 
PhD. Fierro Padilla Rafael - Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México
PhD. Figueroa Vargas Andrea del Carmen - Universidad de las Américas, Chile
PhD. García Cedillo Ismael - Universidad Autónoma de San Luís Potosí, México
PhD. García Giménez Rosario - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España
PhD. Gómez Herrera Andrea Geanina - Universidad Nacional del Chaco Austral y Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero, Argentina
PhD. González Laurino Carolina - Universidad de la República, Uruguay
PhD. González Meriño Rey Felipe - Universidad de La Habana, Cuba 
PhD. González Vallejo Rubén - Università degli Studi di Macerata, Italia
PhD. Gregorio Chaviano Orlando - Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia
PhD. Guanipa Sierra Xiomara Emilia - Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela 
PhD. Guerrero Jiménez Galo Rodrigo - Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador 
MSc. Guffante Naranjo Tania María - Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Ecuador 
PhD. Héctor Ardisana Eduardo Fidel - Universidad Técnica de Manabí, Ecuador 
MSc. Hewstone García Carol Andrea - Universidad San Sebastián, Chile
PhD. Hurtado Ames Carlos Hugo - Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Perú
PhD. Illicachi Guzñay Juan - Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Ecuador
MSc. Isabel Barriga Johanna - Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador
PhD. Lazo Vento Carlos - Universidad Estatal de Milagro, Ecuador 
MSc. Lescano Borrego Luís Enrique - Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador
PhD. López-Andrada Concepción - Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos de Educación Inclusiva (CELEI), Chile  
PhD. López Gutiérrez Juan Carlos - , Ecuador
PhD. Lon Roca Nuria - Universidad de Zaragoza, España
PhD. Lozano Jiménez José Luís - Universidad de Granada, España
MSc. Maldonado Núñez Alba Isabel - Escuela Politécnica de Chimborazo, Ecuador
PhD. Marchena Fernández Juan - Universidad Pablo de Olavide, España
PhD. Marchoud Zakaria - Universidad Ibno Zohr Agadir, Marruecos
PhD. Martínez Jiménez Gerardo - Universidad de Ciego de Ávila, Cuba
PhD. Martínez Novo María del Carmen  - Universidad de Florida, EE.UU.
PhD. Méndez Lloret Darlén – Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas, Cuba
MSc. Monsalve Labrador Clargina Nayali - Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos de Educación Inclusiva (CELEI), Chile
PhD. Montaner Flores Alberto - Universidad de Zaragoza, España
PhD. Montero Sopilca Any Sofía - Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Venezuela 
PhD. Morales Chuco Elaine - Universidad de La Habana, Instituto Cubano de Investigación Cultural “Juan Marinello", Cuba
PhD. Moreno Amador Carlos - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España 
PhD. Mostacero Villareal Ruby Benjamín - Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos de Lima, Perú
PhD. Mujica Chirinos Norbis Enrique - Universidad Euroamericana, Panamá
PhD. Muñoz Uribe Juan Fernando - Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Colombia
MSc. Novillo Verdugo Miguel Ángel - Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador 
PhD. Núñez Delgado María del Pilar - Universidad de Granada, España 
PhD. Ocampo González Aldo - Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos de Educación Inclusiva (CELEI), Chile
PhD. Oquendo Prieto Luís Felipe - Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela
MSc. Penabad-Camacho María Amalia – Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
PhD. Pérez Álvarez Sandra - Universidad de Chihuahua, México
PhD. Pérez Andrea Verónica - Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina
PhD. Pérez Bravo Digna Dionisia - Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Ecuador 
PhD. Pérez Pérez Marina - Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica, Ecuador 
PhD. Pincheira Muñoz Luís - Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos de Educación Inclusiva (CELEI), Chile
PhD. Ponce Naranjo Ivonne Eulalia - Universidad Nacional de Educación, Ecuador 
PhD. Quintero Arjona Gisela Consolación - Universidad Nacional de Educación, Ecuador 
PhD. Ramírez Sánchez Miguel Ysrrael - Universidad Autónoma de Campeche, México
PhD. Rea Ángeles Patricia  - Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales de la UNAM, México
PhD. Reguera Silvia Alejandra - Universidad de Córdova, Argentina
PhD. Reyes Alvarado Sebastián - Universidad Santander, Panamá
PhD. Rincón González Sorayda De Los Ángeles - Universidad del Arte GANEXA, Panamá 
PhD. Rivera Machado María Eugenia - Broward International University, EEUU
PhD. Rodríguez López Jorge Ruperto - Investigador Independiente, EEUU
PhD. Rodríguez Puga Rolando - Universidad de Ciencias Médicas "Dr. Carlos J. Finaly" de Camaguey, Cuba
PhD. Romanowski Joana Paulin - Centro Universitário UNINTER e da Pontifícia  Universidade  Católica  do Paraná, Brasil
PhD. Ruay Garcés Rodrigo Orlando - Universidad Católica del Maule - Universidad de La Serena, Chile
PhD. Salamanca López Manuel Joaquín - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España 
PhD. Sánchez Fernández Yansy - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile
PhD. Sánchez Lara Ricardo Antonio - Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez, Chile
PhD. Sánchez-Verdejo Pérez Francisco Javier - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, España
PhD. Sande Muletaber Sandra – Universidad de la República, Uruguay
PhD. Santamarina Sancho María - Universidad de Granada, España
PhD. Soler Rodríguez Guillermo - Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas, Cuba
PhD. Terrón Quintero Grisel - Directora de Patrimonio Documental de la Oficina del Historiador, Cuba 
PhD. Torres Valdés Rosa María – Universidad de Alicante, España
PhD. Tuaza Castro Luis Alberto - Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Ecuador
PhD. Valdés Acosta Gema del Carmen - Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas, Cuba
PhD. Valero de Bernabé Luís - Colegio Heráldico de España y de las Indias y Real Asociación de Hidalgos, España
PhD. Valtierra Zamudio Jorge - Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca, México
PhD. Vázquez Martínez Blanca Nely - Investigadora independiente, México 
PhD. Vercellino Soledad - Universidad Nacional de Río Negro- Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Argentina
PhD. Vergel Ortega Mawency - Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, Colombia
PhD. Villalón de la Isla Estela Maricela - Universidad de Guadalajara, México
PhD. Villanueva Roa Juan De Dios - Universidad de Granada, España 
PhD. Yangali Vargas Jorge Luís - Universidad Nacional del Centro del Perú, Perú
MSc. Yépez Morocho Pascual Ramiro - Universidad Jatun Yachay Wasi, Ecuador
PhD. Yuni José Alberto - Universidad Nacional de Villa María. CONICET, Argentina
PhD. Zancanaro Pieczkowski Tania Mara - Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó (UNOCHAPECÓ), Brasil



The main sources considered for the identification of potential members to integrate the International scientific reviewer committee of the journal Chakiñan, in correspondence with the declared thematic areas, are:

  1. Authors with relevant scientific results.
  2. Researchers with scientific relevant scientific results
  3. Presenters and authors of papers presented at international scientific events.
  4. Members of Editorial Boards and Scientific Committees of related journals.
  5. Research professionals belonging to prestigious Universities and Scientific Research Centers.
  6. Authors and researchers recommended by members of the Editorial Board and International scientific reviewer committee of the journal.
  7. Personal requests.

Once the potential members of the International scientific reviewer committee have been identified, it is the responsibility of the Editorial Team to recruit and select the members according to the following criteria:

General criteria:

  1. Geographic diversity among members.
  2. Representation of small groups by country.
  3. Possibility of forming groups by thematic areas covered by the journal.
  4. Association of candidates to organizations, or entities of interest to the journal.
  5. Predominance of members who do not work at the university (Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo), or in the country where the journal is published (Ecuador).
  6. Preferably bilingual professionals (Spanish - English, Spanish - Portuguese and Spanish - French).

After identifying potential peer reviewers, in accordance with the general criteria, the Editor-in-Chief sends a personal invitation to join the International scientific reviewer committee, requesting the candidate's agreement. If the invitation is of interest, information is also requested that demonstrates compliance with the following specific selection criteria

Specific criteria:

  1. To possess a fourth level degree, preferably a PhD.
  2. To demonstrate academic training and professional experience in the thematic areas covered by the Chakiñan journal (at least 5 years).
  3. Demonstrated experience of participation and results in research projects and scientific publications in one or more of the thematic areas of the journal.
  4. ORCID code.
  5. To send the formal application, updated curriculum vitae, and data related to their area of expertise.

Once the information is received, the members of the Editorial Team proceed to analyze it and select the peer reviewers to integrate the International scientific reviewer committee, which is formalized through the issuance of the respective certificate.


The work of the referees - peers - evaluators, has a major impact on the quality of the published articles, not only because of the result of the qualification, but also because with their signals they enhance the learning of the authors and the realization of corrections, to ensure compliance with high quality standards of the articles.

As a consequence, the performance of the peers is constantly evaluated by authors, databases and even by readers and members of the scientific community who use, in one way or another, the published information.

In this regard and in correspondence with the transparency assumed in the editorial team of Chakiñan, it is considered pertinent to apply the systematic evaluation of the management of the members of the International scientific reviewer committee, taking into account the following aspects that are part of the Editorial Policy of the journal:

1. Peers assume the commitment to carry out an objective review, with scientific, critical, honest and unbiased criteria, in order to provide the editors with truthful information about the quality of the article they are evaluating and to provide the authors with constructive comments that will favor the appropriate corrections.

2. They must submit the corresponding review form clearly indicating the reasons for accepting or rejecting an article and warn, in case they detect or suspect cases of duplicity, conflict of interest, ethical problems or fabricated data.

3. Once the review has been accepted, they undertake to carry out the review within the maximum deadlines established by the journal's editorial team.

4. Papers assigned for review must be treated with complete confidentiality and may not be discussed with others prior to the publication process.

5. All information related to the review process may not be used for personal purposes or shared with others not involved in the editorial process.

6. Referees are obliged to inform the Editor if they suspect that the manuscript they are evaluating does not disclose conflicts of interest that should have been declared.

7. In addition, a peer reviewer should not accept a review assignment if he/she has a potential competing interest, including the following:

  • Previous or current collaborations with the author(s) of the manuscript.
  • The arbitrator is a direct competitor.
  • To have a known background of antipathy for the author(s) of the manuscript.
  • To have a personal affinity relationship with an author who does not allow the reviewer to evaluate the manuscript objectively.
  • To take financial advantage of the research work.

8. They should only accept the evaluation of the manuscript if they do not have any conflict of interest with it. In case of conflicts, the reviewer should inform the editors or journal staff that he/she should recuse him/herself if he/she considers that he/she cannot provide an impartial review. When submitting your review, you should indicate whether or not you have a conflict of interest.

9. Peers, as members of the International scientific reviewer committee, must present formal excuses in the event of desisting from participating in any of the phases foreseen in the procedures for which they have been selected.

10. The members of the International scientific reviewer committee undertake to provide the information requested for the updating of the Chakiñan journal's database and to issue their considerations, assessments and criteria on the consultations that are formulated in order to improve the editorial management and the evaluation processes to which the publication is subjected.

As a result of the above and taking into account that non-compliance with the aforementioned aspects affects the scientific rigor and/or the quality of the editorial process, as well as the image and credibility of the journal, the Editorial Team systematically and permanently evaluates the activity of the members of the International scientific reviewer committeee.

In this regard, the pertinent agreements are taken for the issuance of acknowledgements and certifications and also proceed to the exclusion in case of detecting repeated faults, which is timely and formally informed to the interested parties. The updating, in terms of integration of new members, has an annual periodicity.