Main Article Content
The present study validated the abdominal floor strength and its importance for the improvement of the working life quality in university secretaries, through a program of hypopressive exercises, relating the body mass index with the evaluation of the abdominal stabilizing strength or Core Test. The research was predominantly exploratory and explanatory, with a case study approach and conceived as a quasi-experimental, transversal, and relational research, where the methods of analysis and synthesis, modeling and mathematical statistics were applied. The relationship between the program of hypopressive exercises for the strengthening of the abdominal floor and the improvement of the working life quality from the health perspective was determined. The correlation between body mass and Core ratio is weak positive linear, where the trend when applying the exercises from normal to pre-obesity state. When evaluating stabilizing strength, the transition to better ratios is shown. It is suggested to assume the research as a tool for monitoring health in service workers through hypopressive exercises.
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How to Cite
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