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Adrián Guevara-Sánchez
Rodrigo Moreta-Herrera


The study of the positive aspects of human life such as love, happiness or wisdom has a relevant role in psychological research, especially to exploit the innate human potential. The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between the levels of wisdom and happiness in a sample of secondary school teachers in Ecuador. Using a post-positivist paradigm, a descriptive, gender-comparative, correlational and cross-sectional methodology was used by means of the three-dimensional wisdom scale and the Oxford happiness questionnaire. The study included 210 participants (70.5% female and 29.5% male), aged between 20 and 60 years, secondary school teachers. The analysis showed the presence of moderate wisdom and high-moderate happiness. There were no differences by gender in the variables of interest (p> .05). With r =,371; p.01, a low positive relationship was discovered between the variables of analysis; thus, wisdom is related to happiness, serving as a complementary component in the development of it. The findings provide significant information for the development of positive psychology.



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How to Cite
Guevara-Sánchez, A., & Moreta-Herrera, R. (2022). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WISDOM AND HAPPINESS IN SECONDARY EDUCATION TEACHERS IN ECUADOR. CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 19, 44-56.
Author Biographies

Adrián Guevara-Sánchez, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

Coordinación de Posgrados, Ambato, Ecuador

Rodrigo Moreta-Herrera, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

Escuela de Psicología, Ambato-Ecuador y Universitat de Girona, Facultad de Psicología, Girona, España

How to Cite

Guevara-Sánchez, A., & Moreta-Herrera, R. (2022). RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WISDOM AND HAPPINESS IN SECONDARY EDUCATION TEACHERS IN ECUADOR. CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 19, 44-56.



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