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The events triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic have led to an in-depth investigation of problems linked to pedagogical leadership and online collaborative learning of teachers because it shows revealing effects on student preparation. In this sense, this research aimed to determine the relationship between the educational leader (LE) and collaborative online training (ACL) in a school in Puno-Peru. A quantitative approach and a non-experimental design of correlational level were applied. Likewise, with a sample of 60 teachers, it was possible to determine a positive and significant relationship of moderate level through Spearman's Rho, allowing with these findings to deduce that while the level of quality of the LE is raised, the greater the development of the ACL. Finally, the need to prepare teachers at different educational levels in ICT-mediated collaborative learning strategies and to train them in pedagogical leadership and the accompaniment of online collaborative training is presented.
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How to Cite
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