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Aldo Ocampo González


The present work analyzes the analytical-methodological configuration that allows us to conceive of inclusive education as a heuristic device. As such, it builds an abstract and political model to address a diversity of problems and, with it, break into the logic of knowledge production normatively bequeathed by logos. The objective is to explore the defining contours and the heuristic intelligibility grid to think about its field of problems of a neo-materialist nature. The method used was the critical documentary review. The work concludes that, to a certain extent, the dominant onto-semiotic conceptions of the field possess the ability to impose a signic rostricity based on caricature aspects and imposing universal conceptions of difference. This particular inaugurates acute political and ethical implications.



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How to Cite
Ocampo González, A. (2021). INCLUSIVE EDUCATION AS A HEURISTIC DEVICE. CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 16, 159-176.

How to Cite

Ocampo González, A. (2021). INCLUSIVE EDUCATION AS A HEURISTIC DEVICE. CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 16, 159-176.



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