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The socio-cultural and economic crisis manifested in the so-called 'social explosion' of October 2019 in Chile, and deepened by the COVID-19 pandemic, has revealed a series of discriminations and inequalities at the social level and in the exercise of the academic profession that affects women more strongly. This calls for rethinking alternative models of academia, building knowledge, and contributing to the needs of today's society, considering the position occupied by women and their conceptualizations in the academic sphere. This issue is especially relevant in the exceptional constitutional situation. Thus, this essay aims to reflect on women's situation in higher education and the theoretical contributions of feminisms in the face of the university's crisis of meaning in the neoliberal context. Under a critical-reflexive reading of secondary sources, framed in feminist epistemology, the text is constructed from an argumentative essay's global structure. It is concluded that there are several theoretical-practical contributions of feminisms with transformative potential, as conceptual tools that allow understanding and facing the university's crisis and neoliberalism, being urgent to transform the academic space to favor full gender equality.
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How to Cite
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