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Electoral behavior is a relevant topic in behavioral sciences; while Behavioral Economics offers a theoretical-methodological framework for the study of behavior marked by the limited nature of rationality. Cognitive biases, as a scientific category, contribute to the explanation of the determinant factors of economic behavior, providing an opportunity for application to electoral behavior. The present work analyzes, from a qualitative perspective, the influence of cognitive biases on electoral behavior, as determining criteria for the lack of rationality and deviant behaviors. An analytical, interpretative, and critical perspective is applied, guaranteeing the propositions with theoretical support, and fidelity to the logic of the studied phenomenon. For the collection of information, a bibliographic search was carried out through the identification of prominent authors in the categories of Electoral Behavior, Behavioral Economics, and Cognitive Biases. The results point out the influence of cognitive biases in electoral behavior. Among these are the framing effect, the anchoring effect, uncomfortable factors, disposition, overconfidence, over-optimism, short-term effect, and loss aversion. The conclusions recognize the need for further study of this topic, in addition to conducting field research.
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