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The Technical University of Manabí (UTM) has approved more than 50 graduate programs, including specializations, academic master’s degrees with a research trajectory (MATI), and academic masters with a professional trajectory (MATP). In the MATP, the degree can be achieved through a research and development project, a high-level article, or a complex exam associated with the quality of the postgraduate course and its link to research. This study aimed to analyze these degree modalities’ behavior in three MTP programs of the agricultural area offered during 2016-2020 at the UTM. The data of the degree modalities, their scientific production, and the level of indexing of the published articles were compared. A progressive increase in titles by articles was observed in the three programs; the complex examination modality was not performed in the second cohorts and reappeared in the third. The increase in the degree by articles is attributed to the stimulation of this modality by the Postgraduate Institute, the tutors’ high scientific level, and their participation in research projects. The completion of these studies in other programs offered by the UTM Postgraduate Institute is recommended.
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How to Cite
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