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The research applies the reading strategies of Isabel Solé in fifth graders of the Educational Institution No. 146, Holiness Juan Pablo II - San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima, to increase reading comprehension levels, (literal and inferential) We wanted to demonstrate the significant importance of Isabel Solé's strategies in the reading processes (before, during and after), of their application. The research process allowed us to systematically select the work groups (study group - control group). A pretest, a post test and ten readings were applied to the study group during the learning sessions, which served to increase the index of reading comprehension, considering the interest and need of the students. Taking into account the results obtained, it is manifested that there is difficulty in reading comprehension: at the inferential level, 94.3% of the students are at the Beginning level and 5.7% are at the In-Progress level; while, it is evident that no student shows outstanding levels. On the other hand, at the literal level, 25.7% of students were placed in the Outstanding Achievement level and 42.9% in the expected Achievement level.
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How to Cite
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