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Mónica Janneth Torres Cajas
Danilo Yépez Oviedo
Adriana Lara Velarde


The demands of the 21st century require teachers to prepare and assume a reflective attitude, to meet the academic expectations of today's students. The main objective of this work was to know teachers' perceptions about their reflection in teaching and how this process is carried out at the National University of Chimborazo.  Thus,  a purely qualitative - interpretive type of research was applied. An in-depth interview was conducted, structured with open questions among 12 teachers of the Education, Human Sciences, and Technologies Faculty. Dimensions and categories of analysis were established using the hermeneutical phenomenological method.  The description and interpretation of the essence of experiences lived was carried out through the following phases: stage of assumptions clarification, collection of the experience lived through the interviews, the reflection about those experiences and, the writing-reflection stage of such experiences. The analysis of the teachers' thinking and their stories allowed to conclude that they have judgments, interpretations and assumptions that are not examined, discerned or analyzed, for several reasons, mainly because the self-assessment and co-assessment instruments used in the institution do not favor these reflection processes and because there are no available spaces for this purpose, considering as an alternative the formation of academic peers to study analytically and critically, theoretical and technical issues regarding teaching, for accurate decision making and the proper educational practice.


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How to Cite
Torres Cajas, M. J., Yépez Oviedo, D., & Lara Velarde, A. (2020). THE REFLECTION OF TEACHING PRACTICE. CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 10, 87-101.

How to Cite

Torres Cajas, M. J., Yépez Oviedo, D., & Lara Velarde, A. (2020). THE REFLECTION OF TEACHING PRACTICE. CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 10, 87-101.



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