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Héctor Cavieres Higuera
Camila Ponce Lara
Justino Gómez De Benito


The NEET concept is repetitive and has failed to explain much adequately. So far, it has been understood as a subject that can choose a self-marginalized situation from the work sector, psychologizing the problem. The main objective of this research seeks to understand the relationship between young people and exclusion in today’s Chile, from perspectives of individual trajectories. The methodology is of a qualitative type, through life stories to understand their trajectories, and through an analysis of a social exclusion theoretical lens. According to the statistical data, the results show that being a NEET is strongly related to structural components, such as socioeconomic level or gender. However, from a subjective point of view, the situation of being marginalized from work takes into account a type of relationship with remote work. For this young person, it is something external to him that allows him to obtain resources but does not construct his identity.


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How to Cite
Cavieres Higuera, H., Ponce Lara, C., & Gómez De Benito, J. (2020). BEYOND THE NINIS: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN YOUTH, SOCIAL EXCLUSION AND WORK IN CHILE TODAY. CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 10, 60-72.

How to Cite

Cavieres Higuera, H., Ponce Lara, C., & Gómez De Benito, J. (2020). BEYOND THE NINIS: THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN YOUTH, SOCIAL EXCLUSION AND WORK IN CHILE TODAY. CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 10, 60-72.



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