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Alicia Roxana Chavez-Somoza
Eduardo Paul Vilchez-Salés


The common pots are social organizations that face daily the problem of guaranteeing the provision of food to the most vulnerable residents of the community. The research objective was to identify the relationship between awareness campaigns on social networks and the dissemination of the needs of these organizations located in the "José Carlos Mariátegui" Human Settlement in the "Villa María del Triunfo" district in Lima. A quantitative methodology, non-experimental design, and correlational level were used, where two questionnaires were applied to 180 participants selected with non-probabilistic sampling. The main results revealed a strong correlation between social media campaigns and the improvement in disseminating the needs and work of the members of the communal cooking pots. In conclusion, it was identified that awareness campaigns on social networks are effective tools to make visible the needs of popular associations and mobilize the necessary support from various actors. Likewise, the study highlighted the relevance of empowerment, effective management, and solidarity from mothers and members of the communal cooking pots, who have managed to organize and self-manage insufficient solutions due to their precarious socioeconomic conditions.


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Chavez-Somoza, A. R., & Vilchez-Salés, E. P. (2024). SOCIAL INNOVATION IN THE DIGITAL ERA: PROMOTION OF COMMON POTS THROUGH SOCIAL NETWORKS. CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities.
Conference Proceedings Volume
Author Biographies

Alicia Roxana Chavez-Somoza, Escuela de Educación Superior Tecnológica Toulouse Lautrec

Alicia Roxana Chavez-Somoza  Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación , he laborado en la universidad  Nacional Enrique Guzmán y Valle, Universidad Privada del Norte, universidad César Vallejo, actualmente laboro en la Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de América Latina y la Escuela de Educación Superior Toulouse Lautrec con el cargo de Docente investigadora.

Eduardo Paul Vilchez-Salés, Escuela de Educación Superior Tecnológico Toulouse Lautrec

Eduardo Paul Vilchez-Salés,   Licenciado en Gestión en la   Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Actualmente laboro en la Escuela de Educación Superior Toulouse Lautrec con el cargo de                                  Coordinador de Investigación 

How to Cite

Chavez-Somoza, A. R., & Vilchez-Salés, E. P. (2024). SOCIAL INNOVATION IN THE DIGITAL ERA: PROMOTION OF COMMON POTS THROUGH SOCIAL NETWORKS. CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities.



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