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Empowerment and Participation Technologies (PET) are digital tools and platforms that facilitate access to information, the expression of opinions, collaboration, and participation in educational, political, or social decisions. These technologies can contribute to the promotion of interactive and collaborative learning in the teaching of gastronomy management. This article proposes a methodological guide that uses PET as a pedagogical strategy in teaching gastronomic management. This guide is expected to contribute significantly to the integral formation of future gastronomy professionals, preparing them to face the sector's challenges with solidity and versatility. The study assumed a mixed methodological approach; a literature review was applied to identify applicable strategies, followed by developing a methodological guide. The guide was then evaluated using the Delphi method through a survey of a panel of 6 experts to ensure its relevance and effectiveness in the educational context. The results of the guide integrated innovative pedagogical methods and emerging technologies to develop critical competencies in gastronomy management. In addition, the expert evaluation endorsed its credibility and potential to improve teaching in this field.
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How to Cite
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