Main Article Content
Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) in university education, especially the ChatGPT model, has aroused growing interest in the academic community. However, a comprehensive understanding of the impact and effectiveness of this technology in the educational process is needed. In this context, this article aimed to conduct a systematic review of the impact of ChatGPT Generative Artificial Intelligence on university teaching from 2019 to 2024. The PRISMA protocol was adopted to search databases such as Scopus and SciELO, and a selection of relevant studies was obtained that included 18 original articles that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Four main categories related to ChatGPT in university teaching were identified: the impact of ChatGPT, the potential of ChatGPT, the perception of students and teachers about using ChatGPT, and the effectiveness of ChatGPT. It was concluded that there is a growing interest in studying the impact of the ChatGPT model in higher education, which emphasizes the relevance and need for further research to understand its impact and areas that require further attention and development.
KEYWORDS: University education, higher education, artificial intelligence, systematic review, educational technology
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How to Cite
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