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Digital teaching competencies are defined as the knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable a satisfactory development of the professional through the use of information and communication technologies. The potential of digital tools and resources in the educational field is quite high, so the development of these competencies in teachers becomes a priority. The research analyzed theoretically and based on documentary sources the educational impact generated by the implementation of digital competencies in educational processes. The methodology was cross-sectional and quantitative, using a survey applied to a sample of 86 teachers. The results support the positive impact of technology to optimize educational processes, therefore, the importance of developing teachers' digital competencies to achieve better educational results.
This research aims to analyze the educational impact that technology can generate in the various educational processes. The methodology within which the research was carried out was cross-sectional and quantitative, using a survey of a sample of 86 teachers as a data collection instrument. The results support the positive impact of technology to optimize educational processes, therefore, the importance of developing teachers' digital competences to achieve better educational results.
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