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Hugo Tapia Silva
Elvis Campos Palacios


The integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in educational practices requires teachers to have adequate and updated technological competencies. To this end, organizations and institutions develop ICT competencies structures and standards that guide teaching performance at relevant levels for training profiles. However, their variety and particular approaches imply that, when applying them, some aspects may not be considered. The research that initiated this article had the objective of elaborating a common framework of digital standards based on the proposals of multiple frameworks of digital standards and competencies linked to the teaching practice. Through a qualitative approach and documentary analysis, similar aspects were identified in eight frameworks of digital standards and competencies. Among the results, four main dimensions were identified, with emphasis on pedagogical aspects and less attention to ethical and attitudinal aspects related to the use of technologies in education. Based on this analysis, it was possible to create a common framework of standards that reflect the common concerns and particular contributions of the different frameworks analyzed.



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How to Cite
Tapia Silva, H., & Campos Palacios, E. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF A COMMON FRAMEWORK OF DIGITAL STANDARDS FOR TEACHERS OF THE SCHOOL SYSTEM. CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 22, 51-68.
Conference Proceedings Volume
Author Biographies

Hugo Tapia Silva, Universidad Católica del Maule

Facultad de Ciencias Religiosas y Filosóficas, Departamento de Teología, Talca, Chile

Elvis Campos Palacios, Universidad de La Serena

Facultad de Humanidades, Departamento de Artes y Letras

How to Cite

Tapia Silva, H., & Campos Palacios, E. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF A COMMON FRAMEWORK OF DIGITAL STANDARDS FOR TEACHERS OF THE SCHOOL SYSTEM. CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 22, 51-68.



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