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Alex Sandro Alves De Barros


Understanding archeology as the most interdisciplinary of sciences associated with the consolidation of a current theoretical framework and its methods, together with the unconditional need to associate the proposed concepts with practice; this article proposes to weave a brief discussion on the concept of archeology of the landscape and its unfolding concerning the history of archaeological thought. Using an archaeological correlation and description between the different schools, concepts, and their main authors, we will present an overview of the use of landscape concepts in the context of the interpretation of the contexts of interaction between humans, environment, and materiality, as well as its problematic and range within the scope of Brazilian archeology.


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Alves De Barros, A. S. (2022). LANDSCAPES IN THE HISTORY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL THOUGHT. CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 18, 213-228.
Conference Proceedings Volume
Author Biography

Alex Sandro Alves De Barros, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo

Professor Ocasional Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Riobamba, Equador, Doutorando em Arqueologia, Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil

How to Cite

Alves De Barros, A. S. (2022). LANDSCAPES IN THE HISTORY OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL THOUGHT. CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 18, 213-228.



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