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The study of Peruvian indigenous, especially José María Arguedas' work, became an important topic in the last decade after the commemoration of the centenary of this author's birth. In this study, the tale La agonía de Rasu Ñiti is mainly analyzed and interpreted, and study links are also established with other works by José María Arguedas himself. The research method was interpretative-hermeneutic. It is proposed that in La agonía de Rasu Ñiti the logic of the imaginary is constituted from the Andean cosmovision since it creates a web of signifiers with meaning in itself to manage to resuscitate the symbolic from the Andean cosmovision from the same approach of the narrator of the tale. This interpretation is based on the projection of the radical and transcendent inversion of social hierarchies in the real world, configuring the ethical turn from the substrate of a world represented by the Andean cosmovision approach.
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How to Cite
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