Main Article Content
The article focuses on investigating and returning to the collective memory the life and achievements of María Elina Zúñiga Villacreses, born around 1905, who defied the gender roles imposed by the conservative society of her time to become the second high school graduate and the first Riobambeña to obtain the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Doctor of Medicine and Surgery at the Central University of Ecuador in 1932. Her secondary and university educational trajectory was reconstructed through the interpretative paradigm and historical research methodology, with an exhaustive review and critical analysis of sources. Her determination and perseverance to excel in a society that limited educational opportunities for women, reflected in a resistance to maintain a role different from that of wives, mothers, and those in charge of the domestic economy, was highlighted. Personal and family aspects were addressed, and her difficulties and challenges during her short life were revealed. In conclusion, the legacy of María Zúñiga is highlighted as an example of self-improvement and empowerment.
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