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This study examines the influence of using and creating podcasts on students' anxiety levels and their English-speaking skills. The study, conducted with eleventh-grade students in a private school in Chile during 2021–2022, utilized a podcast plan model within the action research methodology. Data collection involved the use of the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) to measure students’ anxiety levels, a rubric to assess the quality of their English-speaking skills when using podcasts, and a semi-structured interview. The key findings reveal that the use and creation of podcasts positively influence language learning, leading to reduced anxiety levels and improved pronunciation and fluency in students' speaking skills. Importantly, the process of creating podcasts fosters a sense of collaboration among students, highlighting the interconnected nature of their learning experiences. The study underscores the importance of affective factors such as motivation, self-confidence, and anxiety in learning a foreign language, and emphasizes the need for the teaching and learning process to prioritize the development of communication skills.
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How to Cite
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