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Nathalie Chacón-Hurtado
Yelitza Noyreth Campos-León
Segundo Felix Saba Castañeda


Being able to read the consumer's mind and know what they want has become an essential aspect for designing successful marketing strategies, which is why the knowledge provided by neurosciences is being used. Thus, it was intended to incorporate elements related to the neuroconsumer and neuroconsumption into the dialogic exercise, with emphasis on the mind-body-emotion perspective; and their processing levels to identify what is happening in the buyer's mind. The objective of the review was to describe the elements that relate neuro consumption to the neuroconsumer from a perspective supported by existing literature, so a systematic review of the literature was carried out to reveal and characterize the elements linked to the object of study. The process was supported by the PRISMA method, the databases were selected: WoS, Scopus and SciELO and initially 150 documents were chosen to which selection criteria were applied, obtaining 20 articles. It was concluded that the emotional experience has become a value proposition with respect to users and product design becomes one of the tools that facilitates creating products to provide solutions to emotional needs.



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How to Cite
Chacón-Hurtado, N., Campos-León, Y. N., & Saba Castañeda , S. F. (2024). FROM NEUROCONSUMPTION TO THE NEUROCONSUMER: A LOOK IN THE LIGHT OF LITERATURE. CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities.
Author Biographies

Nathalie Chacón-Hurtado, Universidad Fermín Toro

Industrial Engineer, Diploma in Business, Bachelor in Administration, Master in Business Management

Yelitza Noyreth Campos-León, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Barquisimeto, Venezuela

Mother Language Teacher and Master in Linguistics

Segundo Felix Saba Castañeda , Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Public Accountant, Diploma in State Contracting, Diploma in State Contracting, Master in Public Management

How to Cite

Chacón-Hurtado, N., Campos-León, Y. N., & Saba Castañeda , S. F. (2024). FROM NEUROCONSUMPTION TO THE NEUROCONSUMER: A LOOK IN THE LIGHT OF LITERATURE. CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities.



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