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The research, which evaluates the sustainability of the practice of textile dyeing with vegetable species, has practical implications for the textile industry. The study was conducted by artisan producers of sheep wool in the community of Apagua, province of Cotopaxi, Ecuador. The main objective was to elaborate a chromatic record of natural textile fibers dyed with the extract of chuquiragua flowers, leaves and stems and the extract of linden stems and leaves; the plant samples were collected in the community mentioned above. A quantitative approach was used, a comparative experimental study that sought to obtain valid reasons; the independent study variables were the dyeing plant species (linden and chuquiragua), and the dependent variables were the type of natural fiber (wool and cotton) and the post-mordant applied (alum, sodium bicarbonate, lemon, salt, and vinegar). As a result, a record of 40 tonal values was obtained, and the potential use for textile dyeing of the species chuquiragua (Chuquirahua jussieui) and linden (Sambucus peruviana) was determined.
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How to Cite
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