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Ever Cieza Tello
Karina Grisel Quiroz Burga
Vitalia Judith Rodas Vértiz
José Eduardo Maguiña Vizcarra


The presence of moral values and spiritual practice are highly significant aspects in the life of any young person, serving as safeguards against potential behavioral issues. This study analyzed conceptual approaches as to the quality of spiritual life in adolescent students. To this end, a systematic review was carried out in the WoS, Scopus and SciELO databases by following the PRISMA method. As an outcome of this enquiry, 21 papers showcased a close relationship among the beliefs, values, emotional expressions of adolescents and their psychological well-being. Young people who felt closely connected to their spiritual side had better levels of happiness in different areas of their lives: personal satisfaction, a deeper sense of purpose and healthier interpersonal relationships. Cultural factors, religious traditions and social norms significantly had a big impact on how young people thought about and understood their spiritual dimension too. In conclusion, it is necessary to recognize that the connection with the spiritual dimension can really help young people feel better emotionally and mentally. Likewise, the cultural and social context in which adolescents operate must be taken into account for a deeper understanding of their spirituality.


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How to Cite
Cieza Tello, E., Quiroz Burga , K. G., Rodas Vértiz, V. J., & Maguiña Vizcarra, J. E. (2024). CONDITION AND QUALITY OF SPIRITUAL LIFE IN ADOLESCENT STUDENTS. CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 23, 304-326.
Author Biographies

Ever Cieza Tello, Universidad César Vallejo, Perú

Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú

Karina Grisel Quiroz Burga , Universidad César Vallejo, Perú

Doctorando y Maestro en Administración de la Educación- Universidad César Vallejo

Vitalia Judith Rodas Vértiz, Universidad César Vallejo, Perú

Doctorando y Maestro en Administración de la Educación- Universidad César vallejo

José Eduardo Maguiña Vizcarra, Universidad César Vallejo, Perú

Docente a tiempo parcial, Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación - Universidad César Vallejo; Magister en Administración y Gestión de Instituciones Educativas - Facultad de Teología Pontificia y Civil de Lima; Magister en Psicología Educativa - Universidad César Vallejo; Magister en Gestión Pública – Universidad César Vallejo y Bachiller en Educación en Ciencias Religiosas y Lengua y Literatura - Universidad Marcelino Champagnat

How to Cite

Cieza Tello, E., Quiroz Burga , K. G., Rodas Vértiz, V. J., & Maguiña Vizcarra, J. E. (2024). CONDITION AND QUALITY OF SPIRITUAL LIFE IN ADOLESCENT STUDENTS. CHAKIÑAN, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 23, 304-326.



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