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University extension is a function that is inseparable from teaching and research, bringing it closer to society and the surrounding communities. This paper aims to present a literature review on extension projects that can help public and private high schools in meeting the goals of the National Education Plan (PNE). It is hoped that the scientific articles already published on the subject will contribute to the policy that guides the structuring of the new PNE for secondary education. To this end, we used a method based on systematic bibliographic review (SBR), looking at publications in renowned digital databases (Portal Capes Periódicos, Scopus, Science Direct and Web of Science) over the last 20 years (2003-2023). The results show that the literature on the subject is scarce, although there are relevant articles that indicate successful extensive actions in different communities and that can be linked the goals 3, 6, 7, 8, 11 and 12 of the PNE for high school. The conclusion is that extension courses can be used within regular high school, as their objectives are consistent with the PNE guidelines.
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