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The training of creative computer professionals is considered a strategic process in different countries as it is essential for the informatization of society. This article proposes an approach to the creative learning of computer science for the digital transformation of modern society. The objective of the research was to evaluate the creative learning of computer science during the training of computer professionals. An instrument derived from previous research and metrics was applied to evaluate creative learning in the two groups of terminal years of the Computer Engineering career at the University of Matanzas, Cuba, with a mixed paradigm. Quantitative analyses diagnosed the predominant learning in the career that offer elements to managers to make decisions. The qualitative analyses made it possible to unveil the four stages of formation of creative learning of computer science in the career: pre-university stage, basic stage, professional stage and research stage. In addition, three key factors in the formation of creative learning of computer science were obtained: the integration of subjects, the solution of real projects and the emotional support of teachers and other professionals to students during their insertion in the computerization of organizations.
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