The CHAKIÑAN Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities emerges as a space for debate, on a four-monthly basis, between researchers and scientists, arbitrated, of an international nature and dependent on the Faculty of Education, Human Sciences and Technologies, of the Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo (Riobamba, Ecuador). Open access, its theme includes original research results related to Social Sciences and Humanities, according to the following UNESCO fields: Social and Behavioral Sciences (political sciences, sociology, anthropology, ethnography, demography, geography, psychology, peace studies, human rights) and Humanities (education, arts, fine arts, graphic and audiovisual arts, design, crafts, living and dead languages, regional studies, literature, linguistics, history, archeology, philosophy). The main objective is to serve the national and international community by disseminating, on a non-profit basis, the results of innovative and quality research, for which external evaluators are used, who perform the arbitration of the articles received, in the double blind peer-review modality.

As part of the editorial policy, keeping the target audience of CHAKIÑAN journal informed is a priority. In this regard, the website that hosts the journal will be comprehensively updated at the time each issue is published, and systematically in terms of advertisements, number of citations received by published articles, databases in which the journal is indexed, load and publication of articles approved in the Preprint papers modality, among other aspects. The responsibility of incorporating, updating or removing information rests with the Editor-in-Chief of the journal, with the collaboration of the Executive editor, who plays the role of Administrator of the website.

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CHAKIÑAN does not charge any fee during the entire editorial process for the publication of articles, including scientific review, layout and publication, i.e., there is no fee or payment by the authors and access to its content is completely free. The economic support of the journal depends 100% on the Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Ecuador.

In all cases, once a manuscript has been received (which must be forwarded in the WORD template provided by the CHAKIÑAN website), the document goes through a first revision of the Editorial Board to see whether it meets the editorial standards. Subsequently, it is sent to a review carried out by EXTERNAL BLIND PEERS, a process that should not exceed four weeks. The reviewers will communicate their decision in the format required by the journal, which can be accepted, accepted with modifications, or rejected. If the manuscript is accepted, it goes on to the editing and layout process. If the article is admitted with changes, it will be resent to the author(s) to correct the changes mentioned above. If the author(s) has or have made the required changes, they will proceed to the editing and layout process. If the article is rejected by the two reviewers as mentioned earlier, it will be returned to the author(s) explaining the reasons. In any case, the papers selection process, including all steps, must not exceed six months (180 days). Once the final manuscripts have been accepted and sketched out, they will be sent to the author(s), so that they can give their approval in the publication format (print test).

An author may neither publish more than one article in the same volume of the journal (nor as co-author). Furthermore, it will be neither possible for the corresponding author to publish in consecutive volumes (nor as a co-author).

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The Chakiñan Journal adheres to the Open Access model in which the contents of scientific papers are available in the free full text available on the Internet, without temporary embargoes, and whose editorial production costs are not transferred to the authors. This policy proposes to break the economic barriers that generate inequities both in access to information and in the publication of research results.

In this sense, Chakiñan has a deposit policy, registered in the SHERPA ROMEO Deposit Policy Directory (, which constitutes a Global Database, and operates as an online resource, aggregating and presenting the open access policies of publishers and journals around the world. This directory provides summaries of the self-archiving permissions, and conditions of rights granted to authors.

The benefits of open access for authors include:

  • Free access for all users globally.
  • Authors possess the copyright of their academic works.
  • Greater visibility and number of readers.
  • Fast publication.

The acceptance of the manuscript by the journal implies the simultaneous non-presentation to other journals or editorial bodies. It also involves the non-exclusive transfer of the patrimonial rights of the authors in favor of the editor, who allows the reutilization after the edition of the paper (postprint), under license Creative Commons Reconocimiento-No comercial 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC 4.0). Copying, distributing, altering, transforming, generating a derivative written composition, executing, and publicly communicating the written work can be done, so long as:

a) the authorship and the source of publication are cited (journal, editorial, and URL of the written work)
b) the above terms are not used for commercial purposes
c) the same license terms are maintained.

The transfer of non-exclusive rights also implies the authorization of the authors for the manuscript to be deposited in the institutional repository of the Chakiñan Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. Once this happens, the paper will be disseminated through databases that the editor considers appropriate for indexation to increase the visibility of the publication and its authors.

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Chakiñan has a long-term archive preservation policy, guaranteed by the Archive Agency Public Knowledge Project (PKP), whose data is collected by the Keepers Registry. The PKP preservation network is built on LOCKSS preservation technology and its ongoing commitment to robust standards and protocols. After publication, the journal issues are automatically deposited in the distributed LOCKSS network of participating nodes.

In addition to the own preservation policies in the repositories and servers of the Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo and the international repositories of the Databases where it is indexed, the identifier (persistent URL, such as DOI), allows the extraction of queries.

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